The Butterfly Room, our preschool room, is specifically designed for children of 3 to 5 years of age. Our preschool program is play based and is responds to the child's ideas, interests, strengths and abilities.

BELONGING, BEING, BECOMING - welcome to the Butterfly Room
Literacy, Numeracy and play based learning is emphasised throughout each day. Our preschool program will help develop skills needed when entering the school system. Children are permanently booked in on set days and divided into two age specific groups: 3 to 4 years AND 4 to 5 years. Kids Korner Childcare Centre adapts the EYLF (Early Years Learning Framework), a vision for children's learning.
All children experience learning that is engaging and builds success for life.
At Kids Korner we have an inclusive program that focuses on each child's individual development. The program is play based and is responds to the child's ideas, interests, strengths and abilities. Every child's presentation folder is a special keepsake for families with special moment photos, birthday moments, creative artwork and many more memories.
A special ONLINE PORTAL (The Parent Portal) is available to families. The Portal is a secure online platform where our educators keep your child's unique page updated with observations, notes and developmental reports. This allows you to closely follow your child's complete learning journey. Please contact our office for logins and instructions.
What to bring?
A sun smart HAT that provides protection to the face, neck & ears. We have hats for sale if interested. - CHANGE OF CLOTHING
A full CHANGE OF CLOTHING in case of accidents, drink spills or water play. Please ensure all items of clothing are labelled, even shoes & socks. - SHOES
Kids Korner is part of the MUCH & MOVE Campaign promoting healthy eating habits. Morning tea should be either fruit or vegetables. Please prepare and label. Lunch should be prepared and labelled we recommend a healthy treat for after the main lunch too. Eg. Yoghurt, cheese, more fruit or vegetables. Drinking and your child’s drink bottle. We encourage water in a sipper or pull up type bottle.
Other important information
RESTING & QUIET TIMERest time is a quiet period of the day that is essential within our service. A quiet time helps to recharge and restimulates small bodies. Children learn to transform and reflect in a relaxing atmosphere. Quiet time does not always have to mean sleep. At times we engage the children in soothing relaxation or children's yoga, or other calming activities.
We ask that no toys be bought along, any news items are welcome but must be kept in bags until Newstime. Staff cannot be held responsible for breakages and losses.
On arrival children must be signed in and on departure signed out, a contact number must be left for the day in case of any emergency and please remember people on your child’s enrolment form are the only pickup persons authorised. You will need to formally contact the office to arrange an additional pickup. Persons under the age of 18 are not permitted to be authorised collection people.
Please direct your child to their teacher and ensure you say goodbye when leaving.
Children in their final year of Preschool will be learning to write their own name. Foundation writing is the mandatory style throughout NSW schools. We will provide families with a foundation style writing guide later in the year.
During the year children are screened for their expressive and receptive language skills. Parents / guardians are informed of the results. If you are concerned about your childs speech please see your childs teacher to a arrange an earlier screening.